5 Ways To Make Your Money Go Further Online

The power of the internet knows no bounds, we live in an age where there is very little that we cannot discover, very few people that we cannot make contact with and very few opportunities that we can’t take advantage of.  For me, one of the best features of the internet is the ability to make and save money from the comfort of your own home with just a computer and a connection. There are countless ways to do this and here are my top 5 methods.


It goes without saying that I love to gamble, I take a smart and calculated approach to it and the online world of gambling has really blown up in recent years which means that competition for your money is high. Because of the competition, the companies offer huge welcome offers and daily deals to you and this is where you can make your money. My advice is to use all of the companies when they have deals on, take advantage of free bets, this way you can aim for the most reward with the least risk to your finances. As long as you are not greedy or reckless, online gambling can be a perfect way to add some pounds to your pocket.

Using Coupons

A trait that exists already in the physical (real) world is couponing, collecting money-off or free product coupons from magazines etc. and using them to save money on your weekly shop. The digital version of this practice is huge, plenty of websites have popped up who work with companies and shops to give you great discounts on a whole variety of purchases and services. The popularity of companies such as Groupon UK is staggering and with good reason. They offer daily deals, long term offers and huge discounts on products, days out, services and far more, websites such as these will only continue to grow and as they do, the deals will get bigger so if you haven’t checked them out yet, then do so now.


In a similar vein as couponing, there are websites and apps out there that are offer cashback on items that you buy. These are sponsored by companies to encourage you to buy their products and the cashback is given to you via third party website. If you are making a large purchase or going to do your weekly shop then I would definitely check out the website beforehand and see what products can offer cashback, some companies even offer a receipt scanning function which will tell you how much cashback you are entitled to.

Freelance Work

Even if you work full time, there is little to stop you from earning a few extra quid online with freelance work. Several websites out there act as a middle-man between freelancers and future employers with some sites hosting over 100,000 people looking to hire people. The types of jobs you could do are writing, designing, simple admin tasks such as sending emails, proof reading plus some higher skilled jobs depending on what skills you possess. Even if you only know a little about the online world, proof reading a document for a foreign speaker, for example, can earn you some pocket change, do it 5 to 10 times a month and you’ll soon see the difference.

Selling Your Stuff

It has never been easier to flog your stuff online as it is right now, with companies like eBay and Amazon having the worldwide popularity that they possess you can be sure that there is buyer for almost anything. Sites such as those are easy to sign up to, easy to post your listing and even easier to complete a transaction. As well as these sites there are also sites that will simply give you cash for things like old CD’s, DVD’s and computer games, you receive an offer online, accept it and the process of sending your stuff is made very easy by the buyers. Have a root around your house know and see what you can find to get rid of, there is money just sitting there waiting to be cashed in.

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